Shruti Singh is an expert graphologist with over 13 years of experience in this field. She started study of graphology as a hobby but slowly turned it into her passion. She has been mentored by some of the world’s best graphologists. Today she is one of few Indians to be a certified Handwriting Analysts from USA. To date she has many successfully executed corporate and individual consulting projects in her ever growing list.

Shruti’s primary skill is in co-relating handwriting strokes and styles to personality traits. This skill helps Shruti in providing valuable insights that helps her clients know more about self and devise strategies to make best for themselves.

Using her analysis several corporate have hired the best, build winning teams as well as to resolve conflicts. Her expertise has also been sought by several well known corporate to detect frauds and other legally complicated issues in a timely and discreet manner. On individual level her clients have benefitted in areas of child rearing, personality adjustments, marital counselling, development of children with special needs to name just a few. With the use of concepts and principals from Psychology, Motor Movement and Graphology, she designs highly acclaimed and successful proprietary “Handwriting Remedial tools” for individuals based on their specific needs.

 Shruti is one of the first Indians to give an academic dimension to the Graphology in India. For same she has also started a library & research centre “The Handwriting Research Library of India” based in Banglaore making available books and other rare manuscripts pertaining to Graphology to interested masses. She also co-owns a global information site on the subject known as “Graphology Information Center”. Further she is the brains behind India’s first and only newsletter to date on Graphology called “Mind-Script”. (For samples of the newsletter please e-mail us at with subject line ‘request for Mind-Script Sampler’).

Shruti also train people on “Graphology” for which she has partnered with one of most famous Graphology Experts Sheila Lowe, who is also her mentor.  Shruti also works as soft skills trainer with industry accreditions in various modules of communication and team working, such as Stephen Covey’s “First Things First and a lot more”. She has her diploma in training from ISTD (“Indian Society for Training and Development”), India’s only certified training program from Ministry of Human Resource Development. She has also done her management course from IIM- Bangalore and is an active alumni. She was also covered by IIM-B Women Entrepreneur’s book on Women who have started their own set-up and doing things differently.

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